Honorable founding members of the University Council of Jamaica, leadership and staff, on behalf of the INQAAHE Board of Directors, I am honored to extend our heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the University Council of Jamaica.

As UCJ marks 30 years of success in excellence, the Council has every reason to be proud of its past, its commendable achievements as well as excited about its future. This milestone offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the major achievements and the  important contributions it has made to the higher education system’s enhancement and sustainability. Major human resource capacity building at the system wide level coupled with the safeguarding of the system and its continuous enhancement are only some highlights.

By providing quality assurance guidance and services to tertiary education and its stakeholders you have set a standard of excellence higher education providers try to emulate.

As President of INQAAHE, I take this opportunity to extend my highest commendations for the admirable job done by the UCJ to enhance and sustain a quality culture in the Jamaican tertiary education sector and wish you absolute success with this noble mission. I am certain that the UCJ will continue to successfully deliver its services to the tertiary education sector in Jamaica for many years to come.

We wish you continuous success and many more years of fruitful service and contribution to the community
